
    8 Ways to Hide a Safe in Plain Sight

    We all know the classic spots to hide a safe: tucked away in a closet, nestled in a drawer, or sneakily hidden behind a painting. But here's the catch – if someone's snooping around your house, guess where they're checking first? Yep, those very spots. So, how do we outsmart them? It's all about being a bit clever and thinking outside the box. In this guide, we're going to explore some not-so-obvious hiding places for your safe that are right in plain sight.

    Why Would You Want to Hide a Safe in Plain Sight?


    hands holding safe in hands
    Credit: Envato Elements/ westend61

    When burglars break in, they're usually in a hurry. They want to grab things quickly and leave. So, they often check the obvious hiding spots first – like the bedroom closet, the office drawer, or behind paintings. These used to be good hiding places, but now they aren't so hidden anymore.

    But, when you hide your safe in plain sight, you're placing your valuables somewhere unexpected. A burglar won't think to look there when they're rushing. It's about outsmarting the burglar by thinking like one.

    How to Hide a Safe in Plain Sight

    Let’s dive into 8 clever ways to hide a safe in plain sight. Remember, the key is to think like a burglar wouldn’t:

    1) Air Vent


    small air vent on ceiling
    Credit: Envato Elements/ Bykfa

    Ever seen those movies where the valuables are stashed in the air vents? Well, this can be a reality. An air vent is a fantastic spot to conceal a small safe. It blends into the wall, and most people wouldn’t think to peek inside.

    Instead of using an actual vent, you can use a faux vent. This way, you're not messing with your home's ventilation system. To make it even more convincing, you can place it among other real vents, or in a spot where a vent would logically be.

    2) Bed Frame


    beautiful bedroom
    Credit: Envato Elements/ Johnstocker

    Ever thought about your bed frame as more than just a support for your mattress? Some bed frames come with hidden compartments or you can modify yours to create a secret space for your safe. This could be as simple as adding a thin, sliding drawer underneath, or if you're handy, creating a hidden panel on the headboard or side rails. It's easily accessible for you, but not something a burglar is likely to investigate.

    3) Floor Safe


    floor safe in hardwood floor
    Credit: Storables

    If you're up for a bit of renovation, installing a floor safe is a fantastic option. Tucked away under a rug or a piece of furniture, it’s out of sight, out of mind, and adds an extra layer of security.

    Now, let's talk installation. This isn't your typical DIY project – it's best to get a professional to do the job. They'll know exactly how to integrate the safe into your floor without compromising the structure of your home. You can choose a spot that's convenient for you but unlikely to be noticed by anyone with prying eyes. Think about places that don't get much foot traffic or are usually covered by furniture or decor.

    4) Attic or Crawl Space


    white attic with wood flooring
    Credit: Envato Elements/ pro_creator

    These out-of-the-way areas are perfect for hiding a safe. While they might require a bit more effort to access, they offer great security due to their less frequent usage.

    If you decide to use your attic or crawl space, consider the type of safe that would be most suitable. It should be resistant to environmental factors common in these areas, like humidity or temperature fluctuations. You might want to look into safes that are specifically designed for challenging environments.

    5) Behind Secret Interior Doors


    secret interior door in library
    Credit: Wolfe Rizor Interiors

    When thinking about a hidden door, think of bookshelves that swing open or a panel in the wall that leads to a hidden compartment. These secret hiding places can be custom-built to hide a safe effectively. Make sure to work with a professional for this type of project. They can ensure that the installation is safe, secure, and operates smoothly.

    6) Diversion Safe


    Travah bottle diversion safe


    This is a safe disguised as an everyday item – think a book, a bottle, a candle, a cereal box, or a kitchen container. It blends in with your other belongings, making it a clever hiding storage spot.

    Make sure to choose an item that naturally fits into the space where it’s kept. For instance, if you're using a book safe, place it in a library. If you're using a bottle safe, place it in the kitchen. Keep in mind though that these safes are typically for small items and are more about concealment than high-security. They’re not as secure as a traditional safe.

    7) Under Stair Tread


    stairs inside house
    Credit: Envato Elements/ KYNASTUDIO

    The space under a staircase is often unused. You can modify a stair tread to hold your safe. But since this kind of a safe can affect the structure of your staircase, getting professional help from a contractor or a skilled carpenter is crucial.

    When planning this kind of installation, consider the weight and size of the safe. It should be compact enough to fit within the step while still providing adequate space for your valuables. Also, make sure that the modified tread is around the same weight as the other steps to avoid any sort of accidents.

    8) Behind the Mantel


    beautiful mantel in house
    Credit: Envato Elements/ krisprahl

    The fireplace is often a focal point in a room, but it's not a place where most would think to look for valuables. This makes it an ideal spot for a hidden compartment. The idea here is to install a small safe either behind the mantel or in a concealed space beneath it. This could be a custom-built nook that's part of the mantel itself or a small cavity within the fireplace structure.

    To set this up, you might consider a panel that blends seamlessly with the rest of the mantel, perhaps matching the woodwork or the stone. It could be a section that slides open or a panel that pops out when pressed in the right spot.

    Factors to Consider When Installing a Safe


    big locked safe
    Credit: Envato Elements/ diegograndi

    Installing inside your house is a smart move to protect your valuables. But before you dive in, there are a few important factors to consider:

    • Size and Capacity: First up, think about what you'll be storing in the safe. Are we talking a few important documents, jewelry, or something bulkier like camera equipment? The contents will dictate the size you need. Remember, it's always better to have a bit more room than you think you'll need, rather than trying to cram everything into a space that is too small.
    • Type of Safe: There's a whole world of safes out there – wall safes, floor safes, freestanding safes, and more. Each has its pros and cons. Wall safes save floor space and can be hidden behind objects, while floor safes are great for heavier items and are harder to remove. Think about your space and security needs to pick the right type.
    • Think About Location: Think about the location of your safe. You want it to be discreet but also accessible to you. Avoid obvious spots like the master bedroom closet – that's the first place a thief would look. Consider places like a home office, behind a hidden panel, or in a basement. Just make sure it's somewhere you can get to easily when you need to.
    • Consider Security Features: Safes come with different locking mechanisms – key locks, combination locks, electronic locks, biometric locks... the list goes on. Think about what level of security you're comfortable with. Do you want something quick and easy to open, or would you prefer a more complex, high-security option?
    • Consider Fire and Water Resistance: This is a big one. In case of a fire or flood, you want to make sure your valuables are protected. Check the fire and water resistance ratings of the safe. They tell you how long the safe can withstand high temperatures or water exposure.


    By implementing these eight simple methods to hide your safe in plain sight, you can maintain the security of your belongings without drawing unnecessary attention. Remember to choose a hiding spot that suits your needs and fits seamlessly into your home's decor.

    As a solution to help you achieve this level of security, consider using Travah. With Travah's innovative products, you can discreetly store your precious items while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your living space. Shop with us today.